openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: PSD2 Berlin Group version: '1.2.1' servers: - url: '' - url: '' paths: '/{abi}/v1/accounts': get: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - description: Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU. in: header name: Consent-ID required: true schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: query name: withBalance required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: "Read the identifiers of the available payment account together with booking balance information, depending on the consent granted.\r\n\r\nIt is assumed that a consent of the PSU to this access is already given and stored on the ASPSP system. The addressed list of accounts depends then on the PSU ID and the stored consent addressed by consentId, respectively the OAuth2 access token.\r\n\r\nReturns all identifiers of the accounts, to which an account access has been granted to through the /consents endpoint by the PSU. In addition, relevant information about the accounts and hyperlinks to corresponding account information resources are provided if a related consent has been already granted." operationId: Read Account List summary: Read Account List '/{abi}/v1/accounts/{account_id}': get: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU. in: header name: Consent-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: query name: withBalance required: false schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccDetResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: >- Reads details about an account, with balances where required. It is assumed that a consent of the PSU to this access is already given and stored on the ASPSP system. The addressed details of this account depends then on the stored consent addressed by consentId, respectively the OAuth2 access token. operationId: Read Account Details summary: Read Account Details '/{abi}/v1/accounts/{account_id}/balances': get: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - description: Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU. in: header name: Consent-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BalanceResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Reads account data from a given account addressed by "account_id". operationId: Read Balance summary: Read Balance '/{abi}/v1/accounts/{account_id}/transactions': get: parameters: - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - description: page to go in: query name: page required: false schema: type: string - description: >- Starting date (inclusive the date dateFrom) of the transaction list, mandated if no delta access is required. in: query name: dateFrom required: false schema: format: date type: string - in: query name: withBalance required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string - description: 'Permitted codes are "booked", "pending" and "both".' in: query name: bookingStatus required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - description: >- End date (inclusive the date dateTo) of the transaction list, default is "now" if not given. in: query name: dateTo required: false schema: format: date type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - description: Identification of the corresponding consent as granted by the PSU. in: header name: Consent-ID required: true schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: "Read transaction reports or transaction lists of a given account ddressed by \"account-id\", depending on the steering parameter \"bookingStatus\" together with balances.\r\n\r\nFor a given account, additional parameters are e.g. the attributes \"dateFrom\" and \"dateTo\". The ASPSP might add balance information, if transaction lists without balances are not supported." operationId: Read Transaction List summary: Read Transaction List '/{abi}/v1/consents': post: parameters: - in: header name: PSU-ID-TYPE required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - description: >- URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected to after a Redirect. Mandated for the Redirect SCA Approach, specifically when TPP-Redirect-Preferred equals "true". in: header name: TPP-Redirect-URI required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the redirect SCA method. This might be ignored by the ASPSP. in: header name: TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsentResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: "This method create a consent resource, defining access rights to dedicated accounts of a given PSU-ID. These accounts are addressed explicitly in the method as parameters as a core function.\r\n\r\nSide Effects When this Consent Request is a request where the \"recurringIndicator\" equals \"true\", and if it exists already a former consent for recurring access on account information for the addressed PSU, then the former consent automatically expires as soon as the new consent request is authorised by the PSU.\r\n\r\nOptional Extension: As an option, an ASPSP might optionally accept a specific access right on the access on all psd2 related services for all available accounts.\r\n\r\nAs another option an ASPSP might optionally also accept a command, where only access rights are inserted without mentioning the addressed account. The relation to accounts is then handled afterwards between PSU and ASPSP. This option is not supported for the Embedded SCA Approach. As a last option, an ASPSP might in addition accept a command with access rights:\r\n\r\n- to see the list of available payment accounts or\r\n- to see the list of available payment accounts with balances.\r\n\r\nExample: Body of the request\r\n\r\n{\n\r\n\t\"access\": {\r\n\t\t\"availableAccounts\": \"allAccounts\"\r\n\t},\r\n\n\t\"recurringIndicator\": false,\r\n\n\t\"validUntil\": \"9999-12-31\",\r\n\n\t\"frequencyPerDay\": 1,\r\n\n\t\"combinedServiceIndicator\": false\r\n\n}\r\n\r\n\"validUntil\" must contain a date which is nearer to nowadays compared to the expiration date of the token." operationId: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsentReqB' description: JSON body of the request. required: true summary: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts '/{abi}/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds': post: parameters: - description: >- If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the redirect SCA method. This might be ignored by the ASPSP. in: header name: TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-ID-TYPE required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type required: false schema: type: string - description: >- URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected to after a Redirect. Mandated for the Redirect SCA Approach, specifically when TPP-Redirect-Preferred equals "true". in: header name: TPP-Redirect-URI required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsFundsConfResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: >- Creates a confirmation of funds consent resource on the ASPSP regarding confirmation of funds access to an account specified in this request. operationId: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts CISP requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsFundsConfReqB' description: JSON body of the request. required: true summary: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts CISP '/{abi}/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}': delete: parameters: - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Delete an Account Information Consent Object CISP summary: Delete an Account Information Consent Object get: parameters: - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsFundsConfDetResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Get Consent Request CISP summary: Get Consent Request '/{abi}/v2/consents/confirmation-of-funds/{consentId}/status': get: parameters: - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsFundsConfStatusResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Read the status of an account information consent resource. operationId: Get Status Request CISP summary: Get Status Request '/{abi}/v1/consents/{consentId}': delete: parameters: - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Delete an Account Information Consent Object summary: Delete an Account Information Consent Object get: parameters: - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsentResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Get Consent Request summary: Get Consent Request '/{abi}/v1/consents/{consentId}/status': get: parameters: - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: consentId required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConsentStatusResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Read the status of an account information consent resource. operationId: Get Status Request summary: Get Status Request '/{abi}/v1/funds-confirmations': post: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FundsConfResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: "Creates a confirmation of funds request at the ASPSP. Checks whether a specific amount is available at point of time of the request on an account linked to a given tuple card issuer(TPP)/card number, or addressed by IBAN and TPP respectively.\r\n\r\nExample: body of the request\r\n\r\n{ \r\n \"account\":{ \r\n \"iban\":\"XXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\r\n },\r\n \"instructedAmount\":{ \r\n \"currency\":\"EUR\",\r\n \"amount\":\"1\"\r\n }\r\n}" operationId: Confirmation of Funds Request requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FundsConfReqB' description: JSON body of the request. required: true summary: Confirmation of Funds Request '/{abi}/v1/payments/{payment_product}': post: parameters: - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- This data element may be contained, if the payment initiation transaction is part of a session, i.e. combined AIS/PIS service. This then contains the "consentId" of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this payment initiation. in: header name: Consent-ID required: false schema: type: string - description: >- If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the redirect SCA method. This might be ignored by the ASPSP. in: header name: TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - description: TPP-Notification-URI in: header name: TPP-Notification-URI required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: >- URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected to after a Redirect. Mandated for the Redirect SCA Approach (including OAuth2 SCA approach), specifically when TPP-Redirect-Preferred equals "true". in: header name: TPP-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-ID-TYPE required: false schema: type: string - description: TPP-Notification-Content-Preferred in: header name: TPP-Notification-Content-Preferred required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymInitResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: "This method is used to initiate a payment at the ASPSP.\r\n\r\nExample: body of the request\r\n\r\n{ \r\n \"debtorAccount\":{ \r\n \"iban\":\"XXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\r\n },\r\n \"instructedAmount\":{ \r\n \"currency\":\"EUR\",\r\n \"amount\":\"1.00\"\r\n },\r\n \"creditorAccount\":{ \r\n \"iban\":\"XXXXXXXXXXX\"\r\n },\r\n \"creditorName\":\"testCreditor\",\r\n \"creditorAgent\":\"testAgent\",\r\n \"creditorAddress\":{ \r\n \"city\":\"testCity\",\r\n \"country\":\"testCountry\"\r\n },\r\n \"remittanceInformationUnstructured\":\"testPayment\"\r\n}" operationId: Payment Initiation Request requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymInitReqB' description: JSON body of the request. required: true summary: Payment Initiation Request '/{abi}/v1/payments/{payment_product}/{paymentId}': delete: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Delete Future Payment summary: Delete Future Payment get: parameters: - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Returns the content of a payment object. operationId: Get Payment Request summary: Get Payment Request '/{abi}/v1/payments/{payment_product}/{paymentId}/status': get: parameters: - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - description: The format supported by this specification is "JSON". in: header name: Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymStatusResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Check the transaction status of a payment initiation. operationId: Get Transaction Status Request summary: Get Transaction Status Request '/{abi}/v1/periodic-payments/{payment_product}': post: parameters: - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - description: >- This data element may be contained, if the payment initiation transaction is part of a session, i.e. combined AIS/PIS service. This then contains the "consentId" of the related AIS consent, which was performed prior to this payment initiation. in: header name: Consent-ID required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-ID-TYPE required: false schema: type: string - description: TPP-Notification-Content-Preferred in: header name: TPP-Notification-Content-Preferred required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - description: >- If this URI is contained, the TPP is asking to redirect the transaction flow to this address instead of the TPP-Redirect-URI in case of a negative result of the redirect SCA method. This might be ignored by the ASPSP. in: header name: TPP-Nok-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - description: TPP-Notification-URI in: header name: TPP-Notification-URI required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: >- The forwarded IP Address header field consists of the corresponding HTTP request IP Address field between PSU and TPP. in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: >- URI of the TPP, where the transaction flow shall be redirected to after a Redirect. Mandated for the Redirect SCA Approach (including OAuth2 SCA approach), specifically when TPP-Redirect-Preferred equals "true". in: header name: TPP-Redirect-URI required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PeriodPaymInitResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Payment Initiation Request Periodic requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PeriodPaymInitReqB' description: JSON body of the request. required: true summary: Payment Initiation Request Periodic '/{abi}/v1/periodic-payments/{payment_product}/{paymentId}': delete: parameters: - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs operationId: Delete Periodic Payment summary: Delete Future Payment get: parameters: - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Returns the content of a payment object. operationId: Get Periodic Payment Request summary: Get Payment Request '/{abi}/v1/periodic-payments/{payment_product}/{paymentId}/status': get: parameters: - description: The format supported by this specification is "JSON". in: header name: Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: TPP-Signature-Certificate required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: abi required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Signature required: false schema: type: string - in: path name: payment_product required: true schema: type: string - in: header name: Digest required: false schema: type: string - description: >- ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. in: header name: X-Request-ID required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: paymentId required: true schema: type: string - description: Resource identification of the related SCA. in: header name: Authorization required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Device-ID required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Ip-Port required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Charset required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Encoding required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Accept-Language required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-User-Agent required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Http-Method required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-Geo-Location required: false schema: type: string - in: header name: PSU-IP-Address required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymStatusResB' description: OK '204': description: No Content content: {} '400': description: Bad Request content: {} '401': description: Unauthorized content: {} '403': description: Forbidden content: {} '404': description: Not Found content: {} '405': description: Method Not Allowed content: {} '406': description: Not Acceptable content: {} '408': description: Request Time-out content: {} '415': description: Unsupported Media Type content: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests content: {} '500': description: Internal Server Error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: {} tags: - PSD2 APIs description: Check the transaction status of a payment initiation. operationId: Get Periodic Transaction Status Request summary: Get Transaction Status Request components: schemas: AccDetResB: description: Account Details response body properties: currency: example: EUR type: string iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string ownerName: example: Rossi Mario type: string resourceId: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474_EUR type: string type: object AccResB: description: Account List response body properties: accounts: items: example: - currency: EUR iban: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 ownerName: Rossi Mario resourceId: IT42Z0608500120000000616474_EUR - currency: EUR iban: IT42Z0608500120000000862916 ownerName: Verdi Giuseppe resourceId: IT42Z0608500120000000862916_EUR properties: currency: example: EUR type: string iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string ownerName: example: Rossi Mario type: string resourceId: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474_EUR type: string type: object type: array type: object BalanceResB: description: Balance response body properties: account: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string type: object balances: items: properties: balanceAmount: properties: amount: example: '3' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object balanceType: example: expected type: string referenceDate: example: '2019-02-23' type: string type: object type: array type: object ConsFundsConfDetResB: description: Confirmation of Funds Consent Detail response body properties: account: properties: currency: example: EUR type: string iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string type: object consentStatus: example: valid type: string type: object ConsFundsConfReqB: description: Confirmation of Funds Consent request body properties: account: properties: currency: example: EUR type: string iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string type: object registrationInformation: example: >- Your contract Number 1234 with MyMerchant is completed with the registration with your bank. type: string type: object ConsFundsConfResB: description: Confirmation of Funds Consent response body properties: _links: properties: scaRedirect: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object type: object consentId: example: 8c929c62-53f3-4543-97c0-0aed02b1d9bc type: string consentStatus: example: received type: string type: object ConsFundsConfStatusResB: description: Confirmation of Funds Consent status response body properties: consentStatus: example: received type: string type: object ConsentDetResB: description: Consent response body properties: access: properties: availableAccounts: example: allAccounts type: string type: object consentStatus: example: received type: string frequencyPerDay: example: 1 type: integer lastActionDate: example: '2019-03-09' type: string recurringIndicator: example: false type: boolean validUntil: example: '2019-10-10' type: string type: object ConsentReqB: description: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts request body properties: access: properties: availableAccounts: example: allAccounts type: string type: object combinedServiceIndicator: example: false type: boolean frequencyPerDay: example: 1 type: integer recurringIndicator: example: false type: boolean validUntil: example: '2019-10-10' type: string type: object ConsentResB: description: Consent Request on Dedicated Accounts response body properties: _links: properties: scaRedirect: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object type: object consentId: example: 8c929c62-53f3-4543-97c0-0aed02b1d9bc type: string consentStatus: example: received type: string type: object ConsentStatusResB: description: Consent status response body properties: consentStatus: example: received type: string type: object FundsConfReqB: description: Confirmation of Funds request body properties: account: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string type: object instructedAmount: properties: amount: example: '1' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object type: object FundsConfResB: description: Confirmation of Funds response body properties: fundsAvailable: example: true type: boolean type: object PaymInitReqB: description: Payment Initiation Service request body properties: creditorAccount: properties: iban: example: TR780006261118715142297663 type: string type: object creditorAddress: properties: city: example: Ankara type: string country: example: '076' type: string type: object creditorAgent: example: AKBKTRIS005 type: string creditorName: example: Name type: string debtorAccount: description: Debtor Account properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500100000000100001 type: string type: object instructedAmount: properties: amount: example: '1.00' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object remittanceInformationUnstructured: example: Test 122345 type: string type: object PaymInitResB: description: Payment Initiation Service response body properties: _links: properties: scaRedirect: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object type: object paymentId: example: Id-f718885c2c5e13b83dd689f4 type: string transactionFees: properties: amount: example: '5.160' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object transactionStatus: example: ACSC type: string type: object PaymResB: description: Get Payment Request response body properties: creditorAccount: properties: iban: example: IT23J0542404010000001063502 type: string type: object creditorName: example: name type: string debtorAccount: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000862916 type: string type: object instructedAmount: properties: amount: example: '1' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object paymentId: example: Id-f718885c2c5e13b83dd689f4 type: string remittanceInformationUnstructured: example: description type: string transactionFees: properties: amount: example: '5.160' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object transactionStatus: example: ACSC type: string type: object PaymStatusResB: description: Get Transaction Status response body properties: transactionStatus: example: ACSC type: string type: object PeriodPaymInitReqB: description: Periodic Payment Initiation Service request body properties: creditorAccount: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000862916 type: string type: object creditorName: example: Name type: string dayOfExecution: example: '01' type: string debtorAccount: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500100000000100001 type: string type: object frequency: example: Monthly type: string instructedAmount: properties: amount: example: '1.00' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object remittanceInformationUnstructured: example: Test 122345 type: string startDate: example: '2018-03-01' type: string type: object PeriodPaymInitResB: description: Periodic Payment Initiation Service response body properties: _links: properties: scaRedirect: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object type: object paymentId: example: Id-f718885c2c5e13b83dd689f4 type: string transactionFees: properties: amount: example: '5.160' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object transactionStatus: example: ACSC type: string type: object SchemaObject: properties: $ref: description: A Reference to a definition on definitions object example: '#/definitions/User' type: string default: description: Default value for this schema if it is applicable type: object description: description: Description of the Schema type: string discriminator: type: string enum: items: type: string type: array example: description: if the schema is an array specifies the items type type: object format: description: >- The format ex: int32, int64, float, double, byte, binary, date, date-time or password type: string id: description: An identifier type: string items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchemaObject' description: if the schema is an array specifies the items type properties: description: Not used beacause our model does not support inline nested types type: object required: description: Specifies if the parameter is required items: type: string type: array title: description: Schema title type: string type: description: >- The type ex: array , boolean, integer , null , number, object, string example: string type: string type: object TransResB: description: Transactions response body properties: account: properties: iban: example: IT42Z0608500120000000616474 type: string type: object transactions: properties: _links: properties: first: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object previous: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object next: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object last: properties: href: example: >- type: string type: object type: object booked: items: properties: bookingDate: example: '2019-02-19' type: string remittanceInformationUnstructured: example: example type: string remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray: type: array items: example: ["example first row", "example second row"] type: string transactionAmount: properties: amount: example: '-2' type: string currency: example: EUR type: string type: object type: object type: array type: object type: object